Your Personal Online Account Information IS Protected!
As of October 1, 2015, Public Act 15-6 goes into effect.
What is Public Act 15-6?
It is an act that prohibits your employer from requesting or requiring any employee or applicant to provide their username, password, or other personal online account information. This includes
- Any online account an employee uses for personal purposes unrelated to the employer;
- Social media
- Retail-based web sites.
An employer cannot request this information or require any employee to disclose or log into these types of personal accounts. An employer cannot retaliate against an employee or take any disciplinary action against an employee for any refusal to allow such access by the employer. This includes PRIVATE employers, STATE and MUNCIPALITIES.
Employees should be aware that this does not include information you may access while using your employers equipment such as computers, telephones, cell phones or other smart devices and/or internet access. This only applies to your “personal” use, on your own “personal devices”. Further be aware that logging into your employers Wifi while using a personal device allows them access to your information and is not a violation of this Act.
If you are demanded, harassed or retaliated against by your employer to allow this type of access to your personal online account information, you should contact Employee Rights to learn about your legal rights.
#onlinePrivacy #EmployeeRights #Retaliation #harassment